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React JS


What is React JS?

React is Facebook's declarative JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows you to assemble a complex UI from small isolated pieces of code called "components".




Server Rendering


By Facebook Inc.

Examples of companies that use React JS

Benefits of React JS

General Facts

High performance

The virtual DOM, unlike the real DOM, takes up little space and updates quickly, thereby improving application performance. The virtual DOM allows the page to immediately receive responses from the server and display updates. For example, Facebook uses virtual DOM technology to update users' chats and feeds without reloading the page.

Reapplying Components

When working with ReactJS, you create reusable components: most often, a UI component can be used in other parts of the code or even in different projects with little to no changes. This can significantly reduce development time.

Huge community

Facebook has put a lot of effort into making React a powerful tool for improving the user experience of any web application. Moreover, the corporation actively continues to make React an ever more enjoyable and efficient technology. It is very easy to find ReactJS specialists - it is much easier to maintain and maintain the product.

40% of website developers use ReactJS

According to Statista in 2021, it is the most popular library for creating user interfaces.

Technical Facts

Backward compatibility

The biggest advantage of using React.js is that new versions of this library are fully compatible with previous releases. Old libraries do not become useless after updates are released.

Unidirectional data flow

React.js helps nest a child component within a parent component, allowing data flow to be unidirectional. This makes it easier for developers to find bugs and fix them.

Flux and Redux architectures

The Flux architecture works with unidirectional data flow; Redux is used, for example, in exception handling, event logging, and managing operations in asynchronous API requests.


The code of our components can run out of browser, because it’s not connected to DOM directly. It can be used for a server-side as a template engine, which makes writing isomorphic apps possible (apps which can run both on the server and the client).


Dedicated manager

Each project is assigned a responsible Project Manager, who participates in the collection of requirements, the process of creating a technical specification, the development of each stage, QA and stabilization.

The manager is your friend

Each project manager has the main goal - to make the client happy through a high level of understanding and communication. You can share absolutely any idea and thought with the manager.

Agile methodology

One of the most important tasks of a project manager is to control the delivery of a high-quality digital product - this is achieved through competent iteration planning, constant filling of the backlog and the use of custom task-tracking systems. The productivity of the team can be seen not only in the final product, but also in the figures of the reports.


The success of the project depends directly on the management


Years of experience in management for each of our PMAs


Performance metrics for each project

Our principles and tools

Agile, Scrum

Our core project management methodology


We work with the client in iterations (~ 2 weeks)


We are committed to launching each product with a minimum set of features


We are ready to provide the client with access to any of the available tools

User story

The basic principle of describing the business logic of future software


Based on the results of each iteration, we prepare reports (discussed individually)


Built-in project management processes

Zoom, Google meet

The main tools for team interaction with the customer

Mockups, Figma

Basic tools for creating prototypes, mockups and sketches


The main tool for managing and maintaining projects


The main tool for creating a technical specification


The main tool for internal communication of the development team

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