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What is Java?

Java is a general purpose programming language. Refers to object-oriented programming languages, to languages ​​with strong typing. The creators have implemented the WORA principle: write once, run anywhere or “write once, run everywhere”. This means that an application written in Java can be run on any platform as long as the Java Runtime Environment (JRE, Java Runtime Environment) is installed on it. This task is solved by compiling code written in Java into bytecode. This format is executed by the JVM or the Java Virtual Machine. JVM is part of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The virtual machine is platform independent.

Big Data



Top-3 popular

Banking systems


Examples of companies that use Java

Benefits of Java

General Facts


Flexible security system due to the fact that the execution of the program is fully controlled by the virtual machine. Any operation that exceeds the program's set permissions (such as attempting unauthorized access to data or connecting to another computer) causes an immediate abort.

Architecture and platform independence

Developers write code without thinking about the features of the operating system or processor. All this is taken over by the virtual machine, and you only write the logic of work.

Working with memory

The programmer does not need to keep track of how much memory his program consumes and how to free it when some variable is no longer needed. To do this, Java has built-in automatic memory management: Java does not allow memory leaks and growth, and after the program ends, it releases all resources.

Great community and support

Java is the third most popular programming language in the world. There are thousands of sites on the Web that talk about this language, help you understand the code, or contain ready-made solutions.

The standard in enterprise programming

Large companies in programs need reliability, stability and the ability to maintain them for a long time. The combination of OOP, memory management, and architecture independence makes Java the ideal solution for this.

Technical Facts

Bytecode and JVM

Java programs are translated into bytecode, which is then executed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). JVM is a program that processes byte code and passes instructions to the hardware as an interpreter. The advantage of such an implementation is the independence of the bytecode from the operating system and hardware, which allows you to run Java applications on any device for which a JVM exists.


Multithreading features, you can write programs that can perform many tasks at the same time. The introduction of this design feature to the Java language allows developers to create highly polished, interactive applications.


Java programming is considered more dynamic than C or C++ because it is designed to adapt to changing conditions. Programs can do a wide variety of things while processing information that can be used to validate and allow access to objects at run time.

Spring Framework

Spring is one of the most widely used frameworks for developing interprise applications, providing a well-thought-out programming and configuration model. The goal of creating this framework was facilitated by the desire to simplify the development of applications on the popular at that time (and even now) Java EE technology stack from Oracle, which at that time was very complicated and not always convenient to use.


Dedicated manager

Each project is assigned a responsible Project Manager, who participates in the collection of requirements, the process of creating a technical specification, the development of each stage, QA and stabilization.

The manager is your friend

Each project manager has the main goal - to make the client happy through a high level of understanding and communication. You can share absolutely any idea and thought with the manager.

Agile methodology

One of the most important tasks of a project manager is to control the delivery of a high-quality digital product - this is achieved through competent iteration planning, constant filling of the backlog and the use of custom task-tracking systems. The productivity of the team can be seen not only in the final product, but also in the figures of the reports.


The success of the project depends directly on the management


Years of experience in management for each of our PMAs


Performance metrics for each project

Our principles and tools

Agile, Scrum

Our core project management methodology


We work with the client in iterations (~ 2 weeks)


We are committed to launching each product with a minimum set of features


We are ready to provide the client with access to any of the available tools

User story

The basic principle of describing the business logic of future software


Based on the results of each iteration, we prepare reports (discussed individually)


Built-in project management processes

Zoom, Google meet

The main tools for team interaction with the customer

Mockups, Figma

Basic tools for creating prototypes, mockups and sketches


The main tool for managing and maintaining projects


The main tool for creating a technical specification


The main tool for internal communication of the development team

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